All Welcome!

Open: Please call Verena to check if the library will be open (0412--347--513). 2nd and 4th Fridays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: The Chapel, 228 Gordon Rd, Redland Bay

The library includes a wide range of books suitable for both adults and children. Many of the books were donated from a minister's library so there are some amazing books here for you to read, from a wide range of topics.

Topics can you read up on??

* Bible Studies                 * General

* Biography                      * Healing

* Children                         * Ministry

* Church                            * Positive Thinking

* Church History             * Prayer & Meditation

* Christian Life                 * Relationships

* Denominations             * Religious Education

* Devotion                         * Sermons

* Drama and Music         * Sensitive Issues

* Evangelism                    * Spiritual Direction

* Fiction                            * Theology

Please feel free to drop in and read or borrow a book to read at your leisure.

You may even like to start up a book club or have a bible study here!

If you would like to volunteer at the Library on Friday mornings please contact Verena Modile: 0412 347 513  or Email:

The Chapel is also a lovely spot for quiet prayer.